
Photo Tour – Part II

Photo Tour - Part II


I am back to blogging! I returned from Azerbaijan a month and a half ago but have been buried in the work on my cookbook (we are almost there!), hence “abandoned” my blog for some time. Before you say “this girl always does that, I am outta here,” please pause and think about all the wonderful posts that are waiting in line to be be posted here for you. I have tons of recipes that I can’t wait to share with you.

I hope you enjoyed my first virtual photo tour from my trip to Azerbaijan. Here’s part II. What can I say? I had a fantastic time back there. Saw a lot of friends, traveled around with my family, sampled delicious food everywhere we went, met wonderful people, and made new friends.

I also took lots of pictures. Some of them found their way here. Here they are, in no particular order. For you to enjoy and maybe plan your own trip to Azerbaijan, too. I can’t wait to hear what you think about the photos.

Samovars in Old City Teahouse

Baku, the capital. Samovars, big and small in one of Old City’s tea-houses.

Traditional Caps

Baku’s Old City. Traditional caps for women on sale. Tourists love them!

Sweet Omlette Cake

Here’s the first food teaser. Meet the most unusual omelet I have ever seen. A jumbo SWEET omelet. Served as a dessert. This is a traditional “cake” of the Ordubad region. Great news! The recipe will be in my cookbook!

Carpet Weaving in Baku

Carpet weaving demonstration. Gala village, Baku.

Meat-Stuffed Flatbreads, Gutab

These flatbreads filled with meat and sprinkled with sumac (gutab) are beyond delicious. We sampled them in the region of Zagatala in the northwest.